New Tool Measures Corporate Progress Towards Safer Chemicals

The Chemical Footprint Project (CFP) provides the first-ever common metric of its kind for publicly benchmarking corporate chemicals management and profiling leadership companies.  It is a third-party benchmark designed to help reduce publich health and environmental risks from chemical exposure for health care industry, retail stores, socially responsible investors, and other stakeholders.

The mission of the Chemical Footprint Project is to transform global chemical use by measuring and disclosing data on business progress to safer chemicals.  It provides a tool for benchmarking companies as they select safer alternatives and reduce their use of chemicals of high concern.  We envision a world where chemicals are healthy for people and the environment, where disease rates for cancer, infertility, asthma, and learning disabilities are falling rapidly, and where governments and markets reward healthy products. To achieve this vision the Chemical Footprint Project tracks, disseminates, and benchmarks corporate progress to safer chemicals in products, manufacturing, and supply chains.

The Chemical Footprint Project was founded by Clean Production Action, Lowell Center for Sustainable Production at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Pure Strategies.  Clean Production Action administers the project. The Lowell Center and Pure Strategies provide strategic and technical guidance.

Read the press release.

Learn more about the Chemical Footprint Project.
