When I explain that I work with organizations and networks to promote the use of safer chemicals in products and supply chains I am often asked, “which companies should I support?” or “which products are safe?” My fall back answer is to point out that there are company leaders who know what chemicals they use and are constantly seeking safer substitutes. But also the general public has a responsibility to go online and search to see if their favorite retailer or… …
Demand Is Rising for Chemical Footprinting
Every year CPA turns out new reports and standards, and these materials are chock full of information, but not everyone has the time to sit down and read a 40-page report, which is why we are introducing CPA’s Toxic-free Tidbits, curated content to ensure that as we arise from COVID-19, we are on the path for building back better. You can think of this as a small piece of delectable content pulled from a multi-course meal. Meet demand: participate in this… …