
Newsletter: May 6, 2021

GreenScreen Certified® -- identifying PFAS-free and preferred products for the health of people and the planet

May 06, 2021 Newsletters

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The per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemical class is under intense global scrutiny. From the European Union’s intention to phase out PFAS to individual state PFAS restrictions in the U.S. and the growing commitment by retailers, brands, and purchasers to prohibit PFAS in products – the writing is on the wall for PFAS.  Over the last twenty years, awareness has grown about the pervasive nature of these ‘forever chemicals’ and their widespread, and largely unknown, presence in consumer products including rugs, fabrics, apparel, and food packaging, as well as in industrial applications such as firefighting foam and textile treatments. Firefighters suspect that years of working with fluorinated firefighting foam may be strongly linked to their increased cancer rates, and communities now worry about the health impact to their families from drinking PFAS-contaminated water. But it is not just environmental exposure that presents a risk – PFAS is pervasive in house dust.  In fact, the main route of exposure to PFAS for most adults is by ingestion of food, drinking water, and house dust; for infants, toddlers, and children, it is hand-to-mouth contact with consumer products, such as carpets, clothing, and upholstery. As a result, over 98 percent of people in the U.S. have been exposed to PFAS, which can cause cancer, disrupt the endocrine system (endocrine disruptors), and affect growth, development, and reproduction.   

That is why GreenScreen Certified® offers assurance that all certified products are free of PFAS*. We took this class based approach because PFAS are highly persistent, or break down into highly persistent chemicals, and we wanted companies and purchasers to avoid choosing regrettable substitutes within this class.  GreenScreen Certified® currently applies to Textile ChemicalsFirefighting Foams, and Furniture & Fabrics, with other product certifications being launched in 2021 and 2022.  Each standard goes beyond PFAS-free* requirements to prohibit the use of thousands of other chemicals of concern. What’s more, formulators are changing their products to meet GreenScreen Certified® requirements with preferred chemistry. Over 240 textile chemical and firefighting foam products from manufacturers in North America, Europe, and Asia are now GreenScreen Certified®.

The urgency of eliminating PFAS drives us to work with colleagues and experts in governments, academia, businesses, and NGOs to identify PFAS-free and preferred products with GreenScreen Certified®. 

Visit our newly revamped GreenScreen Certified® website to learn more. 

Together we can move our economy to safer chemicals. bev_7-22-2011-1-17-7-cropped_copy


Bev Thorpe
Program Consultant for Networks and Advocacy
Clean Production Action

*Criteria for PFAS-free vary depending on the GreenScreen product certification. See the certifications for thresholds and test methods.