
CFP Webinar & New Model Chems Policy

9/13/2017 Bulletins

CFP Webinar & New Model Chems Policy


What do retailers, investors, and enviros have to do with solutions to hazardous chemicals? Surprisingly, it turns out, quite a bit. To give you a snippet of what is going on in the wave of solutions to unhealthy chemicals, here are some highlights worth a deeper look: 

CFP_greenbeakerNew Model Chemicals Policy created by the BizNGO Chemicals Workgroup to help brands and manufacturers develop and strengthen their chemicals policies – want to know what should be in a corporate chemicals policy? Check it out.

● Living Product Expo Panel on Chemical Footprinting with Herman Miller, GOJO Industries, and Construction Specialties – learn how companies engage in CFP September 14 in Pittsburgh.​

BizNGO_2015_night 4● Webinar with Ashley Hall of Walmart and Susan Baker of Trillium Asset Management on Chemical Footprinting – join us on October 11 to learn why a retailer and investor participate in the Chemical Footprint Project (aka “CFP”).

● BizNGO 2017 (December 5-6 in Boston): Emerging Trends & Taking Action – our annual BizNGO meeting is an invite-only event where participants develop and share solutions to hazardous chemicals in products and supply chains. Interested in joining us and not a BizNGO participant? Contact Alison or Ellen for more information.

In case you missed the following past releases while on vacation or happily ignoring an overflowing inbox, we:

 CFPReportCover2017● Released the 2nd Annual Chemical Footprint Project Survey results in July – the Executive Summary is a must read for anyone involved in solutions to unhealthy chemicals.

● Announced our partnership with University at Buffalo and Niagara Share on clean production in solar panels.

● Highlighted GreenScreen® learning opportunities – as in, “I don’t know what that GreenScreen thing is, but want to know more" –

Join us on the ever interesting, surprising, and incredibly complex journey to inherently safer and healthier products for people and the planet. mark_rossi
All the best,

Mark Rossi, PhD

Executive Director